Okay so mu computer teacher says i look exactly like this woman he knows from Boston than i said is she beautiful and he says yes so that means um beautiful to and than i ask him how to spell antenna and he told me here is the computer go look for it you to beautiful not to work hard. I never told i was beautiful by a teacher but i did said i have pretty looks by a sub. is it wrong that my teacher called me beautiful and how should i feel. im kinda confuse. o and im in ninth grade.Is it wrong for a teacher to call you beautiful?
Well, that is a little bit odd. It would make me wonder too. I would take it as a compliment, but be on guard for anything else.Is it wrong for a teacher to call you beautiful?
he's just giving you a complement but watch out for that because he may try to get to close and if it gets outta hand go to the principal's office. i know a person this happened to just giving you a heads up.
I've had teachers tell me I'm beautiful before, it's the same as if your father or mother were to call you that. Unless he says anything else, as in ';sexy'; or ';hot,'; or frequently says how beautiful you are (as in everyday) then you should ask him to stop because it's making you uncomfortable. most likely it doesn't mean anything, they're just giving you a compliment. but if it makes you feel weird then ask them to stop, and if he doesn't go to your principle.
wooahaaaaaaaaa one way you feel good when your teacher says beautiful, and the other way you pretend as confused. Finally you are in nineth standard.....uuuuuuuuuffffffffff
You should feel creeped out i never call a young man cute handsome are any thing if he ask i brush him off because its innapropiate to many end up on the news pervs.
Maybe he thought you were quite open when you ask if the woman is beautiful. So he just merely followed up. Stop asking such questions next time.
Thats pretty creepy. You should tell the principal.
For him to say that you remind him of someone who is beautiful is a complement. but for him to say it as a encouragement to work therefore mentioning it a second time is a little strange. Teachers aren't allowed to be too friendly as like a general rule. If he mentions it again in any context maybe it would be an idea to go to the school counselor, everything you tell them is confidential so if she/ he doesn't think it is a big deal they wont mention it and if they do they can help you. Until then maybe it would also be an idea to take precaution, not in a dramatic kind of way just in a cautious one e.g don't go to after school classes alone etc just get a friend to tag along.. But don't panic it is probably nothing :)
Be careful
No it's not wrong for your teacher to call you beautiful. You should take it as a compliment. If you really are beautiful, many men are going to compliment you in your life. You can't go through your entire existence thinking that all those men are ';wrong.'; Being beautiful is a good thing =)
Hes being nice I've been called beautiful by my teachers before and they dont exactly fancy me they are just being nice
Be careful! He could be testing you to see if you take the bait.At this point he has not gone too far,however it was inappropriate. You are only in the 9th grade,which I'm guessing you to be about 15. You should just ignore the compliment and act like it never happened, Don't let him know if you were flattered. Just be the way you were before he said this. Never be alone with him-such as staying after class because he wants to discuss your work etc. Be Careful !! Good Luck
you may be pretty or good looking or whatever, but you can't write to save your life
Stop flattering yourself. Unless he's obviously hitting on you or being sexual, don't automatically think your teacher wants to bang you.
If it's a genuine compliment, then it's alright, so you don't have to freak out about it. But he shouldn't look like he's hitting on you. If he does this often and you don't feel comfortable, then you might want to speak to him directly or maybe another teacher and tell 'em how you feel. Don't encourage him to go on with something you're uncomfortable with.
This is wrong and unprofessional. You should tell your parents or the principal. A teacher's job is to educate and prepare you for college, not comment on your looks.
its not wrong he was just giving you a compliment :]
Hes probally being to nice but if you get a werid feeling in your head and gut dont think twice hes a creep but he may just be giving you a compliment.
you should be in third grade as you cannot spell or sleep with your teacher.
Its a little inappropriate for him to cross that line with a student. Most likely he's trying to start out slowly by telling you that you are beautiful until you are used to hearing it, then he'll push it a little further. Its definitely NOT normal though...
Wow that's kinda creepy. If he does anything else, you should tell a school official. At my high school we had a guidace counsler who would call girls beautiful and ask them for pictures. In his office he has a whole wall covered with pictures of all these girls. Wanna know where he is now? In jail. He tried to have sex with a student.
So if this creep ever lays a hand on you or says something sexual to you PLEASE tell someone. Its a serious crime and its disgusting.
Goddamn kids these days. Who do you think you are? You baited him and he was just going along with it. So what, he was goofing around by calling you beautiful. You need a lot more than that to make an accusation against someone.
Let me guess, afterwards you text messaged your mom, who told your attorney father. He wrote a letter to the principal and the teacher was fired. Now his career is ruined because of some dumb remark that meant absolutely nothing. It's unfortunate that some bright, hard-working and intelligent young teachers have to defend themselves against this garbage.
BTW you should learn how to spell, just because you are typing and not speaking doesn't mean you don't sound like a simpleton.
I had that happen to me before. If he starts doing it all the time or making you more uncomfortable, talk to the councilor about it. Otherwise I wouldnt worry too much, yea its definently wierd (felt wierd when it happened to me) but i dont think its harmful.
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