my girlfriend is 16, her parents just took away her phone/computer/tv for a long time because my girlfriend has two Ds in her classes....her and her parents get in tons of fights all the time and her parents sometimes hit her....when she was younger she used to cut herself and she tried to commit suicide once by jumping off a building but only broke an arm
she was raped by a 17 year old when she was 10 and that has put a lot of stress on her...but just about every night for the past two months it seems like, shes been crying and has been extremely stressed out
she told me a few nights ago that shes planning on running away because she cant deal with all of the stress in her life anymore, tonight her parents took her phone away for the two Ds and she went and cut her thigh one time because of it but she decided to stop because i told her if she ever gets to that point that she should call me instead, she also took 4 advils because shes starting to feel sick because of all the stress
she used to be on depression meds but she ran out and shes afraid to tell her parents that shes getting depressed again because shes afraid that they will treat her differently like they did when she was first on meds
shes a smart girls and very active in the theater/choir at our school and shes got the most bubbly personality ever, and thats why i fell in love with her...we have been dating for 7 months on the 2nd of may, im extremely in love with her but all of this crying and stress is beginning to affect our relationship
im 18 and i leave for navy bootcamp on july 12, shes dreading that day because she knows she going to become extremely depressed when i leave
how do i help her with all of this? shes grounded from hanging out until school is over (may 21st) other than during school lunch we cant really hang do i help her or should i say anything to her parents about this?16 year old gf, has a lot of emotional pain and has depression, she wants to run do i help her?
Okay I totally get that y'all aren't kids and all that, but you're both way too young to be dealing with things of that nature. You need an adult. The first thing I thought of when I read this is how you would feel if she really hurt herself. Bless her heart. She just needs you to be there for her whenever you can. Go beyond what she needs to be there. When you leave it's absolutely going to tear her apart because you're all she has, but you could help her make arrangements. There are plenty of other places she could go. I'm sure she doesn't want to go to most of them, but if it helps her depression and cutting then she should try it. Cutting is serious. She may be serious about running away, but the cutting is what you need to be worried about. I get that you told her to call you, but you need an adult's perspective. Could you talk to your parents? Just any adult that could give you an outsider's view and a more mature way of thinking about it and the kind of reaction you should have. Just please do not let this go any further. She needs serious help. Even if that means her telling her parents about her depression. Someone has got to do something. You have no idea what's going on in her head ... Just please talk to someone. Sorry about the length, but depression is a serious illness and it should be taken seriously.16 year old gf, has a lot of emotional pain and has depression, she wants to run do i help her?
You seem very sincere and mature. I appreciate your desire to want to help your girlfriend and this should be approached from an adult level.
When someone runs away, their troubles go with them..bag and baggage. Nothing is changed. IF she has somewhere to run to, there is a good chance that because she is a minor, she will be brought back home and maybe even punished by her parents. If she has nowhere to run, she could become the victim of a crime like she did when she was 10. Either way, this is a bad idea for her.
Yes, you should do something to help because you care for her.
You are both facing a terrible loss when you enter the military this summer.
So, here's an idea. You can convince her that you and she need to have a meeting with her parents and she needs to go back on her medication. With you by her side, it won't be so hard to talk to her parents. Don't mention the plan to run away...that's for HER to tell them and her therapist.
Because she is not on her medication, she is unable to concentrate fully at school and this is causing her failing grades. Her preoccupation with your loss this summer is fueling the depression so the sooner she gets back on her medication and back into therapy, the better she will be able to do in school and cope when you go away.
I wish you and her all the best.
She is depressed because she has a chemical imbalance and she needs medication to fix that. There is no way around this.
You need to talk to her and her parents. Let them know what is going on with her depression and cutting, this way they can get her help. If it is easier to go to your mom first then do that maybe she can help explain to her parents what is going on. She really needs to be on her meds and get therapy as well. My daughters friend just ran away and we spoke to her parents and told them we would be happy to take her in if she wanted to get away for a while. Sometimes you just need to get away for a while. Maybe your mom would allow this in which she can talk to her parents about it as well. I am glad to hear that you are there for her especially at your age. I wish you both the best.
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